
Even with a multitude of things going on around her she feels dazed

Consumed by her own hell fighting off demons she can’t account for

Consumed by the what ifs, the maybe’s, and petrified by the nos

She sees failing as her only option

Breathing is a privilege

For she knows all to well what it feels like to fight

Once had a purpose and a vision

Now clouded with gloom and despair

Once had a smile so bright

Now erased by uncertainty and doubt


Unaware of the things going on around her because she’s consumed by her own personal fear

She’s consumed by her own personal hell

Unaware of how to break the chains that bind her soul

Held captive in her own misery

She sees no light at the end of the tunnel

And why should she?

She is enthralled with the familiar company


All you need is patience
But I’m all out of patience and my cup is nearly empty on hope
The realization of thoughts once kept hidden now rear their ugly head making their presence known
So I look to the sky asking God for clarify
The ability to understand what’s unfolding before me
‘Be still my child’ I can hear him utter, but my mind is so full of clutter I’m surprised I even heard him speak those words
But even still inner demons creep up like a two headed snake disguised as a friendly, caring soul
So I fight for patience as I bare my soul
Patience for clarity, peace, and the opportunity to finally be happy

It Could Be Worse

I know it could be worse, but that doesn’t mean I’m not thankful

Even if I may shed a tear every now and again doesn’t mean I’m not grateful

They say you aren’t supposed to question His reasons, but every now and again I do

I’m not ashamed to admit it


We are all human

We cry,

We bleed,

We are happy,

We even get upset

This world we live in is full of everything imaginable

Some days I sit back and just let my mind wonder off

Releasing the tensions of every day responsibilities that can at times keep me bonded like chains

Releasing the feeling of fear

Releasing all of these various things that are quickly able to reel me back in like bait on a hook as soon as I’ve released them

They have a hold on me

Each and every thing I’ve encountered, endured has been a part of my story, my journey

And even though some days are better than others…

I STILL count my blessings