I Did It For Me

I started writing my first short story back in 2012. It has definitely been a process, and most certainly hasn’t  been easy. Fast forward to now, and I am working with a publishing company to get it published. I am new to this entire process and wasn’t sure which direction to take. Truth is, I’ve been having a fight inside my head lately. What if no one reads it, what if no one likes or buys it? What if it completely sucks? I’m sure this is something all authors go through at some point.

Ultimately, I have to realize and go back to why I started writing in the first place, and the answer is simple. I DID IT FOR ME. I’ve been writing ever since I was little. It was a way for me to release what I was feeling when my voice could not say/express my thoughts, my words could. I also realize and understand that even though I may be a bit uneasy as to who will like or buy my book, at the end of the day critics will be there and not everyone will like what I’ve written, and that’s just that.

Don’t get me wrong, I will be beyond grateful and very thankful if my book is accepted and people are willing to read and buy it, but I don’t have expectations. I wrote this book for me, and this is my accomplishment in its own right, and it is a learning process.

As always, once everything is finished, I will post/share some of my work.

Blessings and Happy Sunday,


7 thoughts on “I Did It For Me

  1. It is definitely important to remember why we write. Congrats on your success thus far and don’t give up! You’ve made it farther than most and only greatness lies ahead 🙂

      • I just started my blogging journey almost two weeks ago. I am in the process of writing my first YA novel and I have to say, it’s pretty exciting. It’s tough work though.

        I love anything supernatural (Twilight, the Lux Series and the like) and dystopian (Hunger Games, the Divergent Series, etc.). I was just getting a little tired of the same old story lines and themes. I figured, what better way to experience the change than to BE the change:)

        I am still in the very early stages of writing my novel but I am hoping that my reward at the end will be great!

      • I couldn’t agree more with your idea of in order to experience the change, you have to be the change. I am sure the reward of your novel will be great 🙂 I wish you much success with it because it’s definitely work, but I believe can be worth it in the end.

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